Sunday, December 4, 2011

A TRIPLE GOALIE PROJECT - Hanlon, Mason and Maniago

I apologize (again) for the delay between posts. I broke three toes on my right foot at my last game and things have been quite hectic lately. But I'm back and I've decided to throw out a few more former Canucks goalies for another "Goalie Project" post.

First up is Glen Hanlon who played for the Canucks from 1977 to 1982.

As you can see all 3 unique Hanlon cards I own are from his times with the Wings. Pretty cool variety if you ask me, especially the 1991 Upper Deck card where it looks like Hanlon is celebrating but in fact he's just making an extremely awkward save. Nonetheless I've still got a couple more cards needed for this part of the project.

Given from the video above it looks as if he wasn't scared to drop the gloves (and blocker) either. The other goalie must have said his jersey was ugly or something.

Next up is Bob Mason who only played in 145 NHL games in his career. But, he was a Canuck for a portion of it and deserves to be part of it nonetheless.

Unfortunately I only have one card of Mason and it's a throwback card from his times with the Caps.

Last but certainly not least is Cesare Maniago.

Cesare is probably the most recognizable out of the trio and definitely includes my favourite card from today's post. The middle card is a double and I feel it's somewhat of a staple point in my Goalie Project.

Alex Auld - 3/3 COMPLETE! 26 TOTAL
Murray Bannerman - 1/3 COMPLETE! 1 TOTAL
Martin Brochu - 3/3 COMPLETE! 4 TOTAL
Richard Brodeur - 1/3 COMPLETE! 11 TOTAL (1 EVENT-USED, 1 AUTO)
Gary Bromley
Bruce Bullock
Sean Burke - 2/3 COMPLETE! 20 TOTAL
Frank Caprice
Jacques Caron
Dan Cloutier - 3/3 COMPLETE! 32 TOTAL (1 JERSEY)
Ed Dyck
Ken Ellacott
Bob Essensa - 3/3 COMPLETE! 14 TOTAL
Mike Fountain - 3/3 COMPLETE! 11 TOTAL
Troy Gamble - 2/2 COMPLETE! 21 TOTAL
George Gardner 2/3 COMPLETE! 2 TOTAL
John Garrett - 1/3 COMPLETE! 1 TOTAL
Glen Hanlon - 1/3 COMPLETE! 5 TOTAL
Johan Hedberg - 3/3 COMPLETE! 7 TOTAL
Rick Heinz
Corey Hirsch - 1/3 COMPLETE! 2 TOTAL (1 AUTO)
Charlie Hodge - 2/2 COMPLETE! 3 TOTAL
Arturs Irbe - 1/3 COMPLETE! 3 TOTAL
Jason LaBarbera - 2/3 COMPLETE! 4 TOTAL
Ken Lockett
Roberto Luongo - 3/3 COMPLETE! 51 TOTAL (1 JERSEY)
Drew MacIntyre - 1/3 COMPLETE! 1 TOTAL
Cesare Maniago - 1/3 COMPLETE! 3 TOTAL
Bob Mason - 1/3 COMPLETE! 1 TOTAL
Dave McClelland
Steve McKichan
Kirk McLean - 1/3 COMPLETE! 3 TOTAL (1 AUTO)
Rob McVicar - 1/1 COMPLETE! 1 TOTAL
Alfie Michaud
Tyler Moss
Mika Noronen - 3/3 COMPLETE! 6 TOTAL
Maxime Ouellet - 1/3 COMPLETE! 1 TOTAL
Félix Potvin - 3/3 COMPLETE! 31 TOTAL (1 AUTO)
Andrew Raycroft - 1/3 COMPLETE! 7 TOTAL
Curt Ridley - 2/3 COMPLETE! 2 TOTAL
Dany Sabourin - 2/3 COMPLETE! 2 TOTAL
Curtis Sanford - 3/3 COMPLETE! 7 TOTAL
Cory Schneider - 1/2 COMPLETE! 10 TOTAL (1 JERSEY)
Corey Schwab - 1/3 COMPLETE! 1 TOTAL
Petr Skudra - 3/3 COMPLETE! 4 TOTAL
Gary Smith - 1/3 COMPLETE! 1 TOTAL
Garth Snow - 2/3 COMPLETE! 2 TOTAL (1 AUTO)
Kevin Weekes - 2/3 COMPLETE! 2 TOTAL
Steve Weeks
Kay Whitmore - 1/3 COMPLETE! 1 TOTAL
Dunc Wilson - 1/3 COMPLETE! 2 TOTAL
Wendell Young - 1/3 COMPLETE! 1 TOTAL



  1. Let me make a suggestion for your Glen Hanlon collection! :o)

  2. It's crazy to think that Bob Mason played 145 NHL games and never got a hockey card until almost 15 years after he last played in the NHL. He couldn't even crack the 90-91 Pro Set line-up.
