My uncle and I weren't able to get any tickets for the game the night before at a decent price off of craigslist, so we went for the always amusing scalpers. We got tickets for 40$ a piece, we got them down off the original price of 60$ (which was ridiculous). We sat in the alcohol permitted section which led to numerous different chants such as:
1. "We're blue, we're white, we're f****** dynamite!"
2. (After every penalty) "She fell down! She fell down!"
3. (My personal favorite) "You can shove the CN tower up your ass. You can shove the CN tower up your ass. You can shove the CN tower, you can shove the CN tower, you can shove the CN tower up your ass."
Nothing like a good chant!
My weekend also included a small trip over the border near Bellingham, Washington. One of my purchases included a couple dual packs of 32 cards.
The fantastic photography didn't stop at Series 1, because Series 2 continues to deliver! Horizontal cards come better than ever IMO.
Fantastic is all I have to say! My inserts included a few "Ambassadors of the Game" cards.
Love the look of these cards, but love the look of the "Rookie Headliner's" even better!
Nazem Kadri ain't a bad card to pull. I'll also take a Babsy card any day of the week.
I got a couple Victory cards in my Series 2 pick-ups. One of which is a Jonas Holos RC.
Finally I show what might have been my favorite card if it wasn't for one thing - Card Stock! What the hell guys? The original 1990 versions card stock was way thicker! Why? I literally can hold this to a light and see right though it. Doesn't make sense to me.
TOTAL - 64 (3 Canucks)
BASE - 57